A to Z List of Websites for Research Paper Discovery

In today’s rapidly evolving information landscape, researchers, students, and professionals face a critical challenge: finding credible, targeted, and accessible sources for diverse types of data and research papers. The overwhelming abundance of information often results in confusion about which websites offer accurate statistics, relevant academic articles, or specialized technical reports. This problem is compounded by inconsistent availability—some websites restrict access behind paywalls, while others provide only partial or outdated information. To address these challenges, this comprehensive A-to-Z guide has been meticulously compiled, presenting readers with a structured, categorized list of the best research websites across multiple disciplines. Whether you’re looking for public datasets, peer-reviewed journals, or specialized technical research, this article serves as a reliable tool to streamline your research process, saving valuable time and ensuring you access trustworthy and relevant data effectively.

Below is a comprehensive alphabetically organized list of popular websites and databases for finding and accessing research papers and data across various domains. Each entry includes the name (with URL), a brief description, the main focus or subject area, and notes on access (free, partial, or subscription-based).

Name & URL Description Focus Access
ACM Digital Library (https://dl.acm.org) The ACM Digital Library is a platform offering full-text access to the Association for Computing Machinery’s journals, magazines, conference proceedings, and related publications​. It includes the ACM Guide to Computing Literature and features content on computing research and information technology. Computer science & engineering Subscription
arXiv (https://arxiv.org) arXiv is an open-access repository of over 2 million e-print research papers in fields like physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, and more​. Articles are moderated but not peer-reviewed, allowing rapid dissemination of scientific findings. Physical sciences, math & CS (preprints) Free
BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (https://www.base-search.net) BASE is a scholarly search engine operated by Bielefeld University Library, indexing over 240 million documents from more than 8,000 content sources​. About 60% of indexed items are open access, and it provides robust filtering options (by author, subject, year, etc.) for academic literature. Multidisciplinary (aggregated repositories) Free
BioMed Central (BMC) (https://www.biomedcentral.com) BioMed Central is an open-access publisher hosting over 300 peer-reviewed journals, originally focused on the biomedical and physical sciences and now spanning a range of disciplines​. All research articles are freely available, reflecting BMC’s commitment to open access and rigorous peer review. Medicine, life sciences & STEM Free
bioRxiv (https://www.biorxiv.org) bioRxiv (pronounced “bio-archive”) is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences​. Operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, it allows researchers to share their findings immediately with the community before peer-reviewed journal publication. Biology & life sciences (preprints) Free
CIA World Factbook (https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/) The CIA World Factbook provides free information on the history, people, economy, and geography of every country​. It’s a government-produced resource containing statistical data and facts, making it a useful reference for country-level research. Public statistics & country profiles Free
CORE (https://core.ac.uk) CORE is a multidisciplinary aggregator of open access research, indexing over 219 million open-access articles from repositories and journals worldwide​. It aims to make research papers universally accessible and includes millions of full-text PDFs available for download. Multidisciplinary (open-access aggregator) Free
Cochrane Library (https://www.cochranelibrary.com) The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases in medicine and health policy, best known for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which compiles high-quality, evidence-based reviews of medical research​. It is a key resource for evidence-based healthcare, though full access often requires a subscription (with free summaries and some national provisions)​. Medicine & healthcare (systematic reviews) Subscription (free summaries)
Data.gov (https://data.gov) Data.gov is the U.S. government’s open data portal, offering over 200,000 datasets on topics ranging from climate change to crime. It provides search and filtering tools to discover data by geography, agency, or format, and all data on the site is available free of charge for public use. Government datasets (United States) Free
dblp (Computer Science Bibliography) (https://dblp.org) dblp is an online index of major computer science publications, listing journal articles, conference papers, and other CS publications​. With over 5.8 million indexed publications, it helps researchers discover literature and can filter results to show only open-access papers. Computer science (bibliographic index) Free
Digital Commons Network (https://network.bepress.com) The Digital Commons Network provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide​. Curated by university librarians, it aggregates institutional repository content across all academic disciplines. Multidisciplinary (university repositories) Free
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) DOAJ is a community-curated directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality open access, peer-reviewed journals​. It contains over 17,000 journals across science, law, arts, and more, allowing researchers to search by subject or keyword for freely available articles. Multidisciplinary (open-access journals) Free
Dryad (https://datadryad.org) Dryad is a nonprofit digital repository for research data, particularly data underlying scientific publications​. Launched in 2009, it hosts datasets across various disciplines, assigning DOIs for citation; searching and downloading data is free (though there are fees for researchers to publish data). Scientific research datasets Free (open data)
EconBiz (https://www.econbiz.de) EconBiz is a research portal for economics and business studies, run by the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics​. It enables searching across multiple databases for articles, working papers, and theses, provides filters for open-access material, and offers research guidance tools for economics scholars. Economics & business research Free
ERIC – Education Resources Information Center (https://eric.ed.gov) ERIC is a comprehensive database sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Education Sciences that indexes literature in the field of education​. It includes journal articles, reports, and books; users can filter for peer-reviewed sources and full text, though some records link to third-party sites that may require purchase. Education research Free (some full-text)
EThOS (E-Theses Online Service) (https://ethos.bl.uk) EThOS is the British Library’s repository of UK doctoral theses, indexing over 500,000 dissertations across a range of disciplines​. Users can search abstracts and, in many cases, download the full text of theses (over half of the records are immediately available for free download). Theses (UK doctoral dissertations) Free
Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com) Google Scholar is a freely accessible search engine that indexes scholarly literature across many publishing formats and disciplines​. It helps locate academic articles, theses, conference papers, and technical reports, often providing links to full text (or to library access) for the results it finds. Multidisciplinary (scholarly search engine) Free
IEEE Xplore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org) IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing access to over 6 million documents of trusted research in electrical engineering, computer science, and related fields​. It includes IEEE and IET journals, conference proceedings, standards, and ebooks, with powerful search tools for technical literature. Engineering & computer science Subscription
JSTOR (https://www.jstor.org) JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources, with a collection spanning 75 disciplines (particularly strong in the humanities and social sciences)​. It provides full runs of thousands of journals. JSTOR is not an open-access platform; free access typically requires affiliation with a subscribing library​
(though some content is open or accessible via limited free accounts).
Humanities, social sciences (plus general) Subscription (limited free content)
JURN (http://www.jurn.org) JURN is a free search engine that indexes open access journals and repositories in arts, humanities, business, law, nature, science, and medicine. It uses a Google-powered custom search to help users find academic PDFs that are available free online, focusing on content not easily found via standard web search. Multidisciplinary (open-access content) Free
Kaggle Datasets (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets) Kaggle Datasets is an open data repository and community hub hosted by Kaggle, originally known for data science competitions​. It has evolved into a platform offering thousands of public datasets on topics from finance to sports to health, which users can download and analyze (registration required). Public datasets (data science & ML) Free (with account)
LexisNexis (https://www.lexisnexis.com) LexisNexis is a leading provider of legal, news, and business information databases, known for its extensive archive of case law, statutes, journalistic articles, and public records​. It offers advanced search tools for attorneys, researchers, and journalists to retrieve documents from thousands of sources. Legal, news & business information Subscription
Library of Congress (Digital Collections) (https://www.loc.gov) The Library of Congress provides online access to a vast collection of digital resources from the largest library in the world​. Researchers can find historic American newspapers, legislation, photographs, maps, audio recordings, and more, spanning virtually every topic and time period. Multidisciplinary (archives & historical) Free
medRxiv (https://www.medrxiv.org) medRxiv (pronounced “med-archive”) is a free online archive and distribution server for preprints in the medical, clinical, and health sciences​. Launched by Cold Spring Harbor Lab, Yale University, and BMJ, it allows researchers to share preliminary research findings in medicine before peer review, with appropriate health warnings. Medicine & health sciences (preprints) Free
OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) (http://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/opendoar/) OpenDOAR is a global directory listing thousands of academic open access repositories​. It allows users to search repository contents worldwide via a custom Google search, helping locate free research papers and data in institutional and disciplinary repositories across the globe. Multidisciplinary (OA repositories directory) Free
Project MUSE (https://muse.jhu.edu) Project MUSE is an online database of peer-reviewed academic content, providing digital humanities and social science journals and books from over 400 scholarly publishers and university presses​. It serves as an aggregator for many university press publications. Content on MUSE is typically accessed via library subscription (full-text PDFs and HTML for subscribers). Humanities & social sciences Subscription
PubMed / PubMed Central (PMC) (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov / https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc) PubMed is a free search engine maintained by the NLM that indexes over 33 million citations for biomedical literature (MEDLINE and other life science journals)​. It provides abstracts and links to articles; when articles are available open-access (e.g. via PubMed Central, which houses 6+ million free full-text articles), PubMed links to those sources​. Medicine & life sciences Free (many full-text via PMC)
PLOS (Public Library of Science) (https://plos.org) The Public Library of Science is a nonprofit open-access publisher that produces a suite of 12 peer-reviewed journals in the life sciences and medicine​. All PLOS articles are freely and immediately available under Creative Commons licenses, reflecting its mission to advance science through openness. Life sciences & medicine (open-access journals) Free
RePEc / IDEAS (Research Papers in Economics) (https://ideas.repec.org) RePEc is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles, and software components in economics. The IDEAS interface is the largest free bibliographic database dedicated to economics, indexing over 4.9 million items of research. It allows economists to search for literature and often provides links to full-text papers (or drafts) in the RePEc network. Economics & finance Free
ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net) ResearchGate is a scholarly social networking site where researchers share papers, ask questions, and find collaborators. It is often used to find open-access versions of publications, as many scientists upload their own articles. The platform is especially popular in biology and medicine, but hosts content across engineering, computer science, agriculture, psychology, and more​. (Free account required for full functionality.) Multidisciplinary (research networking) Free (registration required)
Science.gov (https://www.science.gov) Science.gov is a gateway to U.S. government science information, providing a search of over 60 databases and 2,200 websites from federal agencies​. It includes access to full-text technical reports, journal articles, and data sets from U.S. government research, covering a wide range of scientific and technical topics. U.S. government science research Free
ScienceDirect (https://www.sciencedirect.com) ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s platform for accessing a large collection of scientific and medical publications. It offers full-text articles and book chapters from over 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and 11,000 books. Disciplines covered include physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences (access via institutional or personal subscription). Scientific & technical research (multidisciplinary) Subscription
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) (https://scielo.org) SciELO is a bibliographic database and cooperative electronic publishing platform for open-access journals. It was created to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries and provides an efficient way to increase visibility and access to research literature​. Launched in Brazil in 1998, SciELO now encompasses collections from 16 countries, offering free full-text of hundreds of journals across disciplines. Multidisciplinary (Latin American & global OA journals) Free
Scopus (https://www.scopus.com) Scopus is a comprehensive abstract and citation database, launched by Elsevier as a competitor to the older Web of Science in 2004​. It indexes tens of thousands of journals across all scientific, technical, medical, and social science fields, as well as conference proceedings and books. Researchers use Scopus for literature discovery, citation analysis, and journal metrics (subscription access via institutions). Multidisciplinary (citation index) Subscription
Semantic Scholar (https://www.semanticscholar.org) Semantic Scholar is an AI-driven research discovery tool that indexes millions of scientific papers, primarily in STEM fields​. It uses machine learning to provide relevant search results, paper summaries (“TLDR” abstracts), and topic overviews​. The platform is free to use and often links to open-access PDFs when available. Science & technology (AI-powered search) Free
SSRN (Social Science Research Network) (https://www.ssrn.com) SSRN is a repository for scholarly papers in the social sciences (economics, law, psychology, etc.) and other fields. It hosts over 900,000 papers, mostly working papers and pre-publication drafts. Users can search and download papers for free (registration required), making it a popular platform for sharing early research results​. Social sciences (working papers & preprints) Free (registration required)
Statista (https://www.statista.com) Statista is an online statistics portal that aggregates data, surveys, and market research from thousands of sources​. It offers infographics and reports on over 80,000 topics across 170 industries and 150+ countries. Basic statistics and charts can be viewed with a free account, but detailed reports and downloads require a paid subscription. Market research & industry statistics Partial (free & paid)
Web of Science (https://clarivate.com/webofscience/) Web of Science is a curated, multidisciplinary citation index maintained by Clarivate Analytics, covering thousands of high-impact journals and conference proceedings. It is one of the oldest and most established citation databases (with coverage back to the early 20th century) and is used for tracking citations and finding scholarly articles. Web of Science competes closely with Scopus and is accessible via institutional subscriptions. Multidisciplinary (citation indexing) Subscription
Wiley Online Library (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com) Wiley Online Library is a large platform hosting journals, books, and reference works across the sciences, engineering, medicine, and humanities. It delivers integrated access to over 6 million articles from 1,500+ journals and 18,000+ books​. Content covers a broad range of disciplines and is typically available through institutional or personal subscription (with some open-access titles). Multidisciplinary (academic journals & books) Subscription
World Bank Open Data (https://data.worldbank.org) The World Bank’s Open Data platform provides free and open access to global development indicators and statistics​. Users can find data on economics, education, health, poverty, and other development topics for countries worldwide, and access tools like DataBank for creating custom queries and visualizations. Public statistics (global development data) Free
WorldCat (https://www.worldcat.org) WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog, connecting over 10,000 libraries globally​. It allows users to search for books, academic journals, dissertations, and other materials held in libraries near them or around the world, making it easier to locate physical or digital copies of research resources via interlibrary loan or local collections. Library catalogs (all disciplines) Free
Zenodo (https://zenodo.org) Zenodo is an open-access repository developed by CERN and OpenAIRE that enables researchers to share publications, datasets, and other research outputs​. It accepts content from all fields of science, assigns DOIs for easy citation, and allows sorting/filtering by access type – the vast majority of its 2+ million records are openly accessible​. Multidisciplinary (open repository) Free

Below is a categorized list of websites tailored to specific research niches and needs, making it easier to pinpoint resources for your topic. Whether you’re hunting for technical papers, public statistics, or humanities journals, we’ve grouped platforms by their specialties to streamline your search!

General Academic Search Engines

  1. Google Scholar – Cross-disciplinary scholarly articles, theses, and books.
  2. ResearchGate – Connect with researchers and access preprints.
  3. Academia.edu – Papers across fields and research impact tracking.
  4. ScienceDirect – STEM, social sciences, and health sciences journals.
  5. PubMed – Biomedical and life sciences research.

Technical/STEM Research

  1. IEEE Xplore – Engineering, computer science, and electronics.
  2. arXiv.org – Open-access physics, math, CS, and biology preprints.
  3. ACM Digital Library – Computing and IT research.
  4. SpringerLink – STEM, medicine, and social sciences journals/books.
  5. Nature.com – Natural sciences and technology research.

Humanities & Social Sciences

  1. JSTOR – Humanities, arts, and social sciences archive.
  2. Project MUSE – Literature, history, and cultural studies journals.
  3. SSRN – Early-stage law, economics, and political science research.
  4. ERIC – Education research and policy papers.
  5. ProQuest – Dissertations, theses, and historical archives.

Public Data & Statistics

  1. Statista – Aggregated statistics and market data.
  2. World Bank Open Data – Global development indicators.
  3. OECD iLibrary – International economics and environment stats.
  4. Our World in Data – Global trends visualized.
  5. US Census Bureau – U.S. demographic and economic data.

Preprints & Open Access

  1. bioRxiv/medRxiv – Biology/health preprints.
  2. PubMed Central (PMC) – Free biomedical articles.
  3. DOAJ – Quality open-access journals.
  4. Zenodo – Multidisciplinary open-access repository.

Government & International Organizations

  1. UNESCO Digital Library – Global development reports.
  2. WHO IRIS – WHO publications and guidelines.
  3. NASA NTRS – Aerospace and engineering research.

Books & Theses

  1. LibGen – Books and papers (use responsibly).
  2. Open Library – Free books via Internet Archive.
  3. Ethos – UK theses and dissertations.

Specialized Tools

  1. Zotero/Mendeley – Reference managers.
  2. Connected Papers – Visualize research networks.
  3. Kaggle – Data science datasets and notebooks.

Each of these resources serves different needs, from discovering academic journal articles and preprints to finding statistical datasets and technical reports. When using these websites, note the access conditions – some are completely free, others provide partial free content (or search functionality) with paid options, and many academic databases require a university or institutional subscription for full access. Always verify whether a resource or paper is open-access or if you might need library access or alternatives (like preprint servers or interlibrary loan) to obtain the full text.

Categorized as Knowledge