Making Key at Walmart: Price, Time & Types of Key It Copy

Making Key at Walmart

If you have recently lost your house key or your roommate has lost one, you might require a new set. Walmart has a self-service key-cutting desk allowing customers to make their keys. This kiosk is located at the front entryway of most stores. The process takes two to three minutes and can cost you around $2 -$5 for the house key and $25 upwards for vehicle keys. Read on to learn more about the different key-cutting options at Walmart.

Does Walmart make keys?

A few years back, Walmart’s automotive or hardware departments could make a set of keys for you. The machines created a lot of noise and were operated by specialized staff. Walmart has changed gears to third-party self-service kiosks allowing customers to make their keys. These kiosks have a touch-screen interface enabling customers to choose the type of key they want to make and a unique design on the key.

What are the MinuteKey kiosks?

The MinuteKey are third-party self-service kiosks in a bright lime green color. You won’t face any difficulty locating these kiosks, usually set up at the front foyer of a Walmart store next to its entrance. Using the MinuteKey kiosks is easy, as voice prompts and intuitive graphics will guide you. State-of-art robotic technology, a laser imaging system, and a user-friendly touch screen can help copy the keys easily and quickly.

What are the brands of keys it copies?

MinuteKey can clone the most common key brands like Kwikset, KW1, KW10 Schlage, Titan, Padlock key Masterlock M1, Weiser WR3, WR5, Baldwin, and SC1 Weiser. While most MinuteKey booths offer to copy all types of keys, they will at least provide the basic Kwikset and Schlage keys, the most common types of house locks. Duplicating patent keys for high-security locks like Mul-T-Lock, Medico, or Schlage Primus isn’t offered by MinuteKey.

What is the process of key cutting at MinuteKey?

  • First, tap on the screen to inform the kiosks about initiating the process.
  • The key you want to duplicate must be inserted into the green circular panel below the touch screen.
  • You can also choose the type of key and any designs or patterns you want to appear on the duplicate key. Although you can stick to a standard metal key, different styles add to your personality.
  • Next, you must choose the number of keys you wish to make. If you can instruct the machine on the number of keys you want to make, you won’t have to insert and remove the master key every time you use the kiosk.
  • You can pay for the key using cash, debit, or credit card. The key will be laser-cut and dispensed through the slot below on approval. A clear plastic shield at the front of the laser-cut mechanism lets you view the entire process.
  • The MinuteKey is highly accurate, but it’s always advisable to carry out a manual examination. If the key doesn’t work, you will be eligible for a 100% refund within a 30-day window.

Do you need to carry the original key?

Yes, you will have to carry the original key, and Walmart won’t be able to help you otherwise. So Walmart will require the original key as a template to make duplicate keys.

What should you do on losing your only key?

  • You can get a new lock to replace the old one.
  • By decoding your lock, you can ask the locksmith to make a new key. Opting for this route can cost you between $85-120.

What is the cost of making a duplicate key at Walmart?

It will cost you around $5 to make each key at MinuteKey. Thus, you can ring in savings with multiple keys. The final price of the key will also be influenced by the size and complexity of the key you wish to duplicate, its durability, and the composition of the chosen material. Naturally, the keys made of chunkier materials will cost more. You can determine the amount due for the materials and the services from the screen. You can often get MinuteKey copy coupons that offer you a free key.

What types of keys can you copy at MinuteKey?

  • Padlock keys
  • Bike lock keys
  • House keys for the entryway doors of homes
  • Garage keys, and
  • Office keys

If the key has a simple design and is made out of metal, then you won’t face any difficulty copying it at Walmart’s MinuteKey kiosk. Given the inherent complexity and theft concerns, MinuteKey doesn’t support copying car keys. If you wish to create a duplicate car key, visiting a car dealership or automotive shop is best. MinuteKey won’t be able to duplicate high-security or complex lock keys, skeleton keys, and antique keys.

What types of keys you can’t copy at MinuteKey?

  • Smart keys
  • Keys made from a combination of plastic and metal
  • Key+ key fob combo keys
  • Chip keys
  • Keys having a digital or electrical component
  • The key that isn’t flat like an antique or skeleton key

How long does it take to copy keys?

The highly automated nature of MinuteKey machines can copy a single key within 2-3 minutes. Be prepared to stand there longer if you wish to copy more keys. The key-making process is fun to watch as the laser cutter precisely does its job.

What should I do if my key has a “Do Not Copy” mark?

Often keys to essential locks or apartments have a “do not copy” sign engraved. Despite being strong wording, this isn’t a legally binding prohibition. You can copy most keys other than some instances where duplicating keys can lead to a legal penalty. For example, your MinuteKey kiosk won’t be able to copy the key if it has “do not copy” engraved on the blade. So there won’t be any problem if the message is engraved on the graspable or bow part of the key.

What to do if I have a restricted key?

If your key is a restricted one, then it means that it wishes to prevent people from getting unauthorized access to these places. Some examples of such keys are keys to a filing cabinet, mailbox, or the bank’s safe deposit box. If you wish to copy such a key, it’s best to visit the place of business and avail of the service for free or at a very cheap rate.

What are the different designs of Walmart MinuteKey?

The MinuteKey booths at Walmart offer various unique designs which keep on changing. For example, you can get your key boasting American flag designs, a cute little kitten, or your favorite sports team.

Can you copy vehicle keys at MinuteKeys?

Some of the Walmart MinuteKey kiosks copy vehicle keys and include transponder keys. The ultimate price can vary between $23 to $330 according to the model, construction, and vehicle year. It can take up to 7 minutes to make the transponder keys.

What are the two different types of car keys?

  • Non-transponder keys are made of regular metal and don’t contain a chip. Your vehicle will most likely have a non-transponder key if manufactured before 1999. You won’t have difficulty getting these keys copied at Walmart MinuteKey.
  • If it was manufactured in 2000 or later, your car likely uses a transponder key. These keys have an RFID chip embedded in their head, with a unique code that an RFID receiver reads whenever you insert it into the ignition. Your car will start when the code matches. Otherwise, your car won’t move an inch. The transponder keys feature a thick black plastic casing, and copying these keys at MinuteKey is comparatively more complicated. Some transponder keys might not get copied at the Walmart kiosks. Instead, you can scan them at Walmart, and they will be created somewhere else before being shipped to you. It takes approximately 3-5 days to deliver these keys.

Is there an upper ceiling on the number of keys you can duplicate at Walmart?

There isn’t any upper ceiling on how many keys you can copy with the MinuteKey kiosk.

What are the working hours at the Walmart MinuteKey kiosk?

You can copy your keys during the regular working hours of Walmart, between 6 AM to 11 PM, Monday to Sunday.

Does Walmart give a 100% guarantee on working the duplicate key?

Yes, Walmart copying booths offer a 100% guarantee on the operation of the copy keys.

Do MinuteKey kiosks copy broken keys?

No, it isn’t equipped to repair or copy broken keys.

Do MinuteKey kiosks copy bent keys?

The kiosks can only copy flat keys that aren’t damaged or bent.

Are there MinuteKey kiosks in all Walmart stores?

No, MinuteKey kiosks aren’t there at all Walmart stores. You can call the customer service desk or ask an associate whether your local Walmart has a MinuteKey booth. Alternatively, you can enter your city, state, and zip code in its MinuteKey locator to find the nearest kiosk.

Can Walmart copy Key Fobs?

Card keys or key fobs are RFID devices that deliver restricted access to gyms, apartments, pools, and other amenities. These devices communicate with a receiver near the door handle, which will open upon getting the proper signal. Often these signals are coded to allow only the fob programmed to the receiver to open the door. Some Walmarts feature a booth called InstaFob which can copy card keys or key fobs. The service offered here differs from key duplication, but the underlying principle is the same. For example, the Insta Fob services come with a pocket pinch of $25 to $30, making it considerably cheaper than getting a new fob from your apartment landlord.


The MinuteKey kiosks at Walmart make the process of duplicating keys a quick and easy one. The in-store key-cutting service is self-explanatory. You need to insert the key and pay to get the duplicates. The self-service is ideal for busy people as you don’t have to visit the locksmith and wait around for their service. Being extremely easy to use, you can operate the key machines without prior locksmith experience.